
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Humanity ist: the attribute of being kind


A serial killer normally does not reveal any sign of humanity to his victims.

published by Lonnie on 2021-06-29 01:06:00

When the guard broke the rules and allowed the prisoner to hug her daughter, he showed humanity.

published by Dustin on 2021-02-14 09:06:29

The dictator lacked humanity and was not concerned that many of his citizens did not have enough food to eat.

published by Le on 2021-10-10 20:41:16

As a Christian, my code of humanity calls upon me to treat other people kindly.

published by Valentina on 2021-08-21 17:16:11

The escaped prisoner showed humanity when he assisted the wounded police officer.

published by Latonya on 2021-04-06 05:32:41

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