
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Orotund ist: haughty in tone or style


The millionaire’s orotund manner made him come across as arrogant.

published by Tifany on 2021-06-26 08:19:31

When the president visits with the automotive workers, he tries to be one of the guys by avoiding the use of orotund dialogue.

published by Annabelle on 2021-02-10 01:38:36

The blogger does not write in an orotund style because he wants his articles to appeal to the general public.

published by Lacey on 2021-08-28 19:09:35

Because the politician made an orotund speech about his wealthy upbringing, he lost favor with the middle class voters.

published by Skye on 2021-05-11 06:36:25

The haughty king always spoke to his servants in an orotund tone.

published by Dorris on 2021-02-20 08:48:05

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