
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Ostensibly ist: to all outward appearances


Although Clyde had plans to spend the day with his mistress, ostensibly he appeared to be getting ready for work by packing his brief case.

published by Glady on 2021-04-23 11:11:43

Ostensibly, the celebrity seemed to be hiding from photographers by wearing a disguise.

published by Trista on 2021-08-24 00:07:27

Other nations were suspicious when our government sent troops into the war-torn country, ostensibly to help restore peace.

published by Kathline on 2021-10-05 19:46:25

Ostensibly, the surveillance cameras have been installed for our protection, but we believe management uses them to monitor our daily activities.

published by Noriko on 2021-04-13 22:04:30

While the men ostensibly scheduled a lunch meeting to discuss company finances, they actually spent the hour drinking beer and talking about football.

published by Malorie on 2021-01-18 08:26:36

Ostensibly, the candidate seemed in favor of lowering taxes during the election, but when he was elected, he reversed his opinion on the subject.

published by Tennie on 2021-06-16 18:05:32

Dressed as a homeless man, the billionaire, ostensibly, appeared to be a beggar in need.

published by Ivan on 2021-03-02 06:24:01

Ostensibly, the free meal coupon seems like a great deal, but when the service charges are added, the meal is no longer free.

published by Annette on 2021-09-26 00:23:24

Although Janice went to church ostensibly to worship, she actually attended service each week to search for a husband.

published by Penny on 2021-01-20 23:04:39

Ostensibly, the undercover cop looked like a regular college student.

published by Stacee on 2021-01-24 00:13:56

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