
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Prosaic ist: commonplace or dull; unimaginative


Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place.

published by Janine on 2021-02-11 01:32:04

The title of your book is so prosaic that most people are going to walk right past it in the store.

published by Zoraida on 2021-10-28 20:53:23

As a whole, prosaic writers tend to write very dull stories which most people never remember.

published by Laurice on 2021-04-04 14:39:24

Edward was a prosaic man who stood out in a room filled with creative people.

published by Camie on 2021-05-07 07:33:07

Even though the film director described the movie as exciting, the film was actually prosaic and put most of the audience to sleep.

published by Katharine on 2021-04-15 21:21:04

Students were yawning during the prosaic graduation speech.

published by Margorie on 2021-01-21 03:20:37

Other than going to the occasional movie, the boring accountant lived a prosaic life.

published by Liz on 2021-06-21 08:34:44

Our minister was a prosaic man who ate the same meal for dinner everyday.

published by Myrl on 2021-09-09 18:46:42

Because the mortician was an unimaginative man, my conversation with him was very prosaic.

published by Christia on 2021-01-26 23:19:51

The critics described the author’s latest book as prosaic and uninspired.

published by Rolande on 2021-09-09 05:31:24

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