Red herring

Die Bedeutung des Wortes Red herring ist: a believable distraction designed to mislead, often used in mystery novels


Sherlock Holmes warned that if a case was solved too easily, it was likely a red herring that distracted the detectives from the real criminal.

published by Katelin on 2021-08-17 19:33:35

Mystery writers often use a red herring to mislead the reader into believing something is important that has nothing to do with the story.

published by Reba on 2021-06-13 12:52:49

The criminal planted drugs in his enemy’s car as a red herring to lead the police away from him.

published by Corrine on 2021-01-30 19:02:46

Detectives thought the mysterious jewelry found at the scene of the crime was an important clue, but it was nothing more than a red herring.

published by Edythe on 2021-07-17 15:09:34

Often politicians will use a controversial subject as a red herring to distract the media from important issues that they would rather not address.

published by Latoyia on 2021-12-25 10:14:31

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