
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Woeful ist: pitiful; pathetic


The cook’s woeful attempt at spaghetti tasted like cardboard.

published by Emmaline on 2021-08-23 02:11:14

Because of his team’s woeful performance, the angry coach stormed off of the field.

published by Valerie on 2021-12-21 12:29:53

The child’s woeful lack of table manners and lip smacking embarrassed her parents.

published by Christie on 2021-08-24 05:33:06

A woeful excuse for a father, the deadbeat only saw his child once in five years.

published by Lakiesha on 2021-05-29 22:16:37

The hockey teams woeful score caused them to hang their heads in shame.

published by Claudia on 2021-02-09 11:28:45

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