
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Criminal ist: A person that commits a crime acts that are against the law


The criminal had a long rap sheet with several past theft charges.

published by Jennette on 2021-07-24 07:45:00

To make sure she wasn’t a criminal with an illegal past, the company ran a background check on the driver wanting the job.

published by Trang on 2021-10-06 14:38:27

Police arrested the criminal right after he robbed the 5th street bank.

published by Millicent on 2021-09-25 03:45:34

Even though he doesn’t have any current warrants, the criminal has a long history of committing crimes.

published by Susana on 2021-02-27 03:53:13

The jury decided the man was guilty and sentenced the criminal to several months in jail.

published by Moises on 2021-11-01 21:08:10

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