
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Flaunt ist: to show off (brag)


Eric loves to flaunt his flashy clothes because he thinks that he is super cool.

published by Anjanette on 2021-06-03 23:24:11

Veronica doesn’t like to flaunt her knowledge, but we all know that she is smarter than the rest of us.

published by Heidy on 2021-02-06 00:54:42

Donald Trump loves to flaunt his wealth and grandiose, whenever he has the chance.

published by Fonda on 2021-05-30 15:40:07

I hate how Maria always leaves her shirt sleeve rolled up, so she can flaunt her expensive watch.

published by Mckenzie on 2021-05-11 08:55:06

While many people love to flaunt their possessions, I prefer people that keep a low profile.

published by Ayana on 2021-06-03 05:26:00

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