
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Pang ist: an abrupt yet intense spasm of distress or pain


When the bullet entered Rick’s stomach, it sent a pang of agony through his body.

published by Johna on 2021-05-04 19:18:31

The boy experienced a pang of sorrow when he learned his puppy had died.

published by Afton on 2021-05-11 09:58:42

As Sharon watched her ex-boyfriend dance with her best friend, she felt a pang of jealousy.

published by January on 2021-04-01 23:55:36

A hunger pang reminded me I hadn’t eaten in twenty-four hours.

published by James on 2021-05-11 10:57:44

The first labor pang made Abigail scream.

published by Man on 2021-07-13 23:21:07

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