
The meaning of the word Presumptive is: relating to presumption; presumed without further information


It is presumptive to jump to a conclusion without knowing all of the facts or aspects of the situation.

published by Elaina on 2021-12-20 02:45:26

It is both presumptive and rude to try and finish someone’s sentence for them, since it is the same as assuming their thoughts.

published by Jocelyn on 2021-07-26 17:49:29

My girlfriend has always been pretty presumptive, jumping to conclusions about things before I have a chance to even explain myself.

published by Carmen on 2021-12-21 23:14:43

It is presumptive to assume how a story that is being told is going to end, even if you’re already pretty certain of the conclusion.

published by Toby on 2021-06-09 13:02:03

If you assume how someone is going to behave or act, you are being presumptive and making an unfair assumption.

published by Kenisha on 2021-02-12 19:01:32

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