
The meaning of the word Vestry is: a room in a religious building used for meetings, gatherings, classes, etc


Before delivering his sermon, the preacher gathered all of his materials from the vestry off of the main room.

published by Charita on 2022-01-02 00:58:57

Every Wednesday afternoon, the leaders of the church would meet in the vestry to discuss fundraising and missionary activities.

published by Newton on 2021-06-01 21:34:44

The Catholic Church hosts CCD classes in the vestry right outside the main church every Sunday.

published by Vannesa on 2021-06-08 19:06:34

Mormon elders discuss church business in the vestry down the hall from the congregation room.

published by Dorthea on 2021-01-22 02:51:14

When the hurricane struck the area and left many poor souls without shelter, the church leaders met in the vestry to brainstorm a plan to help those in need.

published by Ignacio on 2021-11-17 01:14:45

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