
The meaning of the word Mansion is: a large, impressive house, most often owned by someone wealthy


Because he has millions of dollars at his disposal, the man decided to buy a massive mansion to showcase all of his wealth.

published by Jeanine on 2021-12-13 19:26:09

While not all large houses are mansions, this particular building is far too massive to be anything else, and it is owned by a celebrity.

published by Alden on 2021-04-29 18:42:11

The mansion we are looking into buying has six floors and takes up a massive amount of space, even though there are only four of us to live in it.

published by Erwin on 2021-07-05 02:24:19

When you think of a mansion, you usually picture an ornate home with a ton of space and luxurious furniture.

published by Ginny on 2021-07-19 09:20:16

I wish I owned a mansion, but I could never afford a massive home of such luxurious proportions.

published by Shellie on 2021-01-27 06:17:11

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