
El significado de la palabra Boast es: brag


I didn’t want to boast, but I did exceptionally well on my college entrance exam.

published by Kirby on 2021-09-14 19:55:46

It was difficult to listen to her boast about her new job when I had just been laid off.

published by Ciara on 2021-02-24 16:00:43

Because he was known to boast about his golf skills, they didn’t want to invite him to the tournament.

published by Shaunna on 2021-02-13 01:06:20

When people boast about their accomplishments, it makes the conversation take an awkward turn.

published by Lashon on 2022-01-01 20:42:45

The athlete continued to boast that he had the best batting average in the MLB.

published by Mandie on 2021-05-21 01:54:10

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