All the While

Le sens du mot All the While est: in reference to something that happens continuously


We were singing all the while as we drove to our vacation home on the beach, eager to kick back and enjoy ourselves at last.

published by Sanford on 2021-12-05 19:34:31

Even as he gave his speech in front of the class, he was nervously twiddling his thumbs and wringing his hands all the while.

published by Elidia on 2021-12-13 14:59:41

Even though I was focusing on my homework, I was listening to music all the while, which distracted me somewhat.

published by Letty on 2021-04-21 11:46:40

My dad was trying to give me a lecture, but I was daydreaming all the while and didn’t catch a word that he said.

published by Reynaldo on 2021-07-21 12:05:17

The teacher was giving us a review for the test, but I was playing games on my computer all the while and didn’t hear anything she said.

published by Kyla on 2021-09-11 02:41:28

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