
Le sens du mot Embryonic est: referring to a system or idea that has potential for significant development


Our company is still in its embryonic stage, having just started and having a lot of room to grow and expand.

published by Mac on 2021-06-05 21:26:29

I have an idea for a book, but it is still in its embryonic stage and I need to put a lot more thought into it before it is ready.

published by Sheena on 2022-01-01 06:56:53

An embryonic idea is one that you just came up with that still needs to develop a little more before it is ready to be used.

published by Laura on 2021-01-20 05:21:55

The idea of freedom and justice for all was still embryonic during the American Revolution, and it would be many years before that idea grew to maturity.

published by Launa on 2021-10-31 10:00:17

Our relationship is still embryonic since we have just met, but I am sure that it will grow into a great friendship in time.

published by Shanika on 2021-12-01 02:57:48

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