
Le sens du mot Idiocy est: stupidity


The intellectual community is appalled by the idiocy of those who do not acknowledge scientific research.

published by Jocelyn on 2021-09-25 09:22:28

Idiocy reigns among the ignorant religious leaders who use their faith as an excuse for hatred.

published by Crista on 2021-04-04 22:12:30

Voters struck down the ridiculous proposal which was rejected for its idiocy.

published by Fatima on 2021-07-14 11:46:40

Refusing to engage in the idiocy, the manager ended the absurd argument and left the office.

published by Milton on 2021-10-16 20:30:49

Embarrassed by his classmate’s idiocy, the student hung his head at the other boy’s absurd answers.

published by Theola on 2021-03-14 11:48:11

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