
Le sens du mot Impassive est: having, or revealing, no emotion; expressionless


Even though it was very exciting, Jon delivered the news in an impassive voice in the hope that everyone would stay calm.

published by Ocie on 2021-11-02 14:31:10

It’s so difficult to remain impassive when you’re faced with a life or death situation.

published by Lamar on 2021-04-08 07:29:50

The impassive report given by the officer was an extreme understatement of the horror of the accident.

published by Reyna on 2021-12-15 11:30:39

Although robots are well-known for being completely impassive, there are many popular movies and TV shows that depict them as adorable creatures that actually do have feelings.

published by Kirstie on 2021-07-20 11:33:29

Despite the fact that she was trying to remain impassive and hide her true feelings, Dawn’s body language communicated her dislike for her brother’s new girlfriend.

published by Anitra on 2021-08-05 19:49:31

Despite the fact that the general was worried about the outcome of the mission, he maintained his usual impassive bearing as he asked for volunteers.

published by Angelita on 2021-01-17 21:42:02

As the foreman of the jury delivered the verdict, the defendant kept his expression completely impassive so that no one could tell what he was feeling inside.

published by Kimberlee on 2021-06-21 00:18:38

She tried to be friendly with the newcomer, but she found his impassive stare more than a little disturbing and excused herself to join her friends.

published by Cassy on 2021-11-24 04:02:53

As the guests gathered in the parlor to meet their host, the impassive housekeeper ignored their clamoring questions as she passed among them with a tray of refreshments.

published by Sterling on 2021-11-27 18:54:34

Compared to his impassive companion, Tony showed his anxiety by squirming in his seat and shuffling his feet as the principal questioned them about the locker room thefts.

published by Maynard on 2021-11-14 18:51:31

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