
Le sens du mot Ornament est: a decoration added onto something else to make it more beautiful


The 3-year-old child hung the blue sparkling globe on the Christmas tree because it was his favorite ornament.

published by Petronila on 2021-06-29 23:25:43

Sarah wanted to create a more seasonal look to her house, so she hung an ornament in every space of her house commemorating the holiday.

published by Natosha on 2021-04-22 09:52:56

Once the ornament was added to the center of the table, everyone began commenting on her original and colorful centerpiece.

published by Al on 2021-01-15 18:05:04

The child spent hours decorating his ornament with glitter, stickers, and paint to put on the top of the tree.

published by Wesley on 2021-02-05 21:01:55

Since the house was drab on the inside, each ornament adorned the walls and created a welcoming feeling for the visitors.

published by Maximo on 2021-02-06 13:15:15

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