
Le sens du mot Parenthood est: the status of being a mother or father


After the 20-year old gave birth to her daughter, she realized that her party life was over since she entered parenthood.

published by Donald on 2022-01-02 11:42:51

As adults move into parenthood, they leave behind the free and carefree life they once knew.

published by Jacquelyne on 2021-12-17 15:42:23

“Parenthood will be the scariest moment of your life,” the grandparent told his son, “because you are totally responsible for another life.”

published by Trena on 2021-01-08 05:55:24

Elizabeth couldn’t wait until her daughter’s parenthood would begin when the adopted child was handed over to her.

published by Ossie on 2021-08-16 22:11:54

The only time when grandparents get their revenge on their children is when their own children enter parenthood.

published by Babara on 2021-09-06 02:06:38

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