
Le sens du mot Puritan est: a group of strict religious people who came to America in the 16th century


Worship was a significant daily aspect in the life of a Puritan with most of their time being devoted to church.

published by Carmelina on 2021-04-11 09:33:31

If someone believed differently than a Puritan, he or she could be banished to another colony.

published by Shawana on 2021-05-19 22:38:56

As a God-fearing person, the Puritan led a simple but very controlled life dedicating their time to religion.

published by Zulma on 2021-09-23 08:56:45

In the Northeast, every Puritan settled in Massachusetts and some of the surrounding colonies in order to have religious freedom.

published by Hunter on 2021-12-03 16:18:13

The officials would make each Puritan follow stern rules and guidelines while facing harsh consequences if the rules were broken.

published by Addie on 2021-09-18 06:38:09

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