
Le sens du mot Tar est: a thick and flammable liquid distilled from wood and coal


Tar is a black gooey substance used in paving roads, which is why most roads are black themselves.

published by Bertram on 2021-11-19 02:07:01

If you ever step in tar you will find that it is very sticky, and it is not easy to get off.

published by Merilyn on 2021-11-30 00:49:20

Tar is a gooey substance that is derived from wood and coal, and it is extremely flammable.

published by Hannah on 2021-08-28 07:42:24

Your shoe will likely get stuck if you step in tar, but thankfully tar is a substance that isn’t just lying around in great abundance for the most part.

published by Todd on 2021-04-19 02:22:30

Tar is flammable and will catch fire very easily, making it extremely dangerous to light a match around it.

published by Treva on 2021-05-23 18:24:54

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