
Le sens du mot Tenant est: someone that pays someone else to live on their property


The tenant pays his landlord eight hundred dollars a month to live in his apartment complex.

published by Hazel on 2021-12-12 23:41:46

If you are looking to make a little extra money and have the extra space in your home, you can rent out that space to a tenant.

published by Cleveland on 2021-09-23 05:54:49

The difference between a squatter and a tenant is that a tenant pays to be on your property and a squatter does not.

published by Isis on 2021-01-13 11:49:50

The tenant that lived in the apartment complex was unable to pay rent this month, so he got kicked out.

published by Shanti on 2021-12-29 12:54:13

I still live with my parents, but on a technicality I am a tenant because I work around the house to pay for my shelter.

published by Steve on 2021-11-06 05:40:16

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