
Le sens du mot Gravid est: pregnant


The lizard was gravid with eggs soon after mating season.

published by Hattie on 2021-12-18 02:00:23

Although a few of the gravid women will give birth to baby boys, most of the doctor’s patients.

published by Zana on 2021-01-26 11:33:47

Gravid with several pups, our bulldog will give birth any day.

published by Aron on 2021-06-10 17:40:42

In the any colony, a single gravid female will produce all of the eggs.

published by Earleen on 2021-03-19 08:39:23

The gravid adults of the group will give birth sometimes this month.

published by Victoria on 2021-02-24 03:07:30

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