
Il significato della parola Conjure è: to bring into existence, sometimes by magic


The magician was able to conjure a rabbit out of his empty top hat.

published by Dominick on 2022-01-06 07:50:31

Even though the cupboards were bare, my mother was able to conjure up some dinner for us.

published by Candida on 2021-09-26 06:29:15

We watched a movie about a witch who would create spells to conjure up whatever she wanted.

published by Dixie on 2021-04-03 09:59:05

It had been years since I saw her face, but I was often able to conjure an image of her in my head.

published by Veronica on 2021-05-24 01:37:31

My grandfather always joked that he could conjure a coin to come out of my ear.

published by Ciera on 2021-10-06 18:05:42

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