
Il significato della parola Declare è: to make an official statement


People speculate the candidate will declare an end to his campaign because of the massive drop in his poll numbers.

published by Echo on 2021-11-05 19:17:45

If the king’s knights do not win the next battle, his majesty is sure to to declare the surrender of his realm.

published by Maybell on 2021-10-30 23:37:25

Everyone expects the popular congressman to declare his intention of running for the presidential nomination.

published by Jeff on 2021-10-07 23:18:38

After Jim lost his job, he was forced to declare bankruptcy in order to settle his debts.

published by Tifany on 2021-02-16 22:25:55

The lottery officials will declare the winning numbers on Saturday night.

published by Melynda on 2021-10-12 20:16:01

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