
Il significato della parola Flick è: to move or hit something with a quick movement


As soon as he began to flick the spicy food with his tongue, the chef realized he had added entirely too much jalapeno.

published by Wonda on 2021-04-24 20:38:07

We never spend much time looking through department store racks, we simply flick the clothes quickly and select what catches our eye.

published by Hyman on 2021-07-03 18:24:58

The boy tried to hurry and flick the ant off of his hand before he was bitten.

published by Trena on 2021-05-23 04:55:08

Even though his mother tried to correct him, the toddler liked to flick boogers across the room when she wasn’t looking.

published by Suzy on 2021-07-16 02:12:44

The girl was able to flick the cell phone under her covers just before her mother walked in the room.

published by Joellen on 2021-04-12 19:16:19

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