
Il significato della parola Organelle è: a specialized part of a cell


An organelle is a structure inside of a living cell that has a specific role.

published by Yasuko on 2021-05-09 10:44:15

Because the mitochondrion is the organelle that supplies energy to the cell, it’s often referred to as a power house.

published by Delaine on 2021-09-01 15:44:18

Photosynthesis takes place inside of the chloroplast, an organelle that is only found in plant cells.

published by Raina on 2021-01-11 05:35:17

When foreign particles enter cells, an organelle called a lysosome uses digestive enzymes to eliminate the unwanted materials.

published by Nestor on 2021-11-26 01:57:17

An organelle is to a cell what an organ is to a human body.

published by John on 2021-06-12 20:10:44

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