
Il significato della parola Severe è: very strong and intense


The severe thunderstorm caused so much damage that recovery would take years.

published by Nannie on 2021-11-23 19:56:46

After being hospitalized for months, the soldier’s sever injuries began to heal.

published by Felice on 2021-04-16 23:44:14

Her food allergies are so severe that she has to bring a lunch to school instead of eating in the cafeteria.

published by Delfina on 2021-02-21 23:23:34

Feeling that his punishment might be severe, the teen decided not to sneak out of the house with his friends.

published by Weston on 2021-02-03 06:30:12

Severe dizziness is a side effect of his new medication that the doctor would like to monitor more closely.

published by Sterling on 2021-12-14 08:20:45

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