
The meaning of the word Buffet is: food laid out in this way, to which diners serve themselves


We enforce a policy that diners may return to the buffet up to three times to refill their plates.

published by Neda on 2021-07-03 10:37:30

Mark told me about a bar that serves up drinks buffet style so that they don’t have to pay for a bartender.

published by Hye on 2021-06-13 10:24:41

Maria hired waiters for Sam’s birthday party, but served the dessert buffet style.

published by Loyce on 2021-01-11 14:50:19

John hates buffet dinners because he has to actually get up to get his food.

published by Janie on 2021-02-25 09:02:47

We catered our wedding reception buffet style, to save on the cost of waiters.

published by Johanne on 2021-10-19 05:07:19

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