
The meaning of the word Concatenation is: taking two separately located things and placing them side by side so that they become two things


The student’s concatenation of the words ‘air’ and ‘plane’ formed the word airplane.

published by Marlen on 2021-07-07 09:54:50

After her marriage, a concatenation of the woman’s two last names formed a brand new one.

published by Lawerence on 2021-09-24 16:43:16

To save space, the java programmers created a concatenation and strung several character strings together.

published by Edda on 2021-11-04 20:41:04

Concatenation of the scrabble tiles joined the words journey and yearning.

published by Delila on 2021-04-30 15:59:01

Concatenation methods helped the data programmer join previously separated information.

published by Wilbur on 2021-10-21 17:34:01

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