
The meaning of the word Decant is: to move one fluid or liquid from one container to another


After asking the waiter for him to refill my glass, he took the large pitcher of iced tea to decant it from his pitcher into my glass.

published by Deloras on 2021-10-06 06:57:44

It was quite difficult to decant perfume from its original bottle into the beautiful vessel without smelling up the whole room.

published by Brad on 2021-01-20 20:32:44

To save the wine for later, we would need to decant it from the bottle into a closed flask since we lost the cork.

published by Angelita on 2021-05-20 08:15:21

Scientists decant the wet solution from the cylinder into a storage flask so that they could use it in future experiments.

published by Evelia on 2021-09-01 19:07:53

In order to be safe, the gas station requires to decant the gasoline from their pump to a proper storage receptacle made for gasoline.

published by Ingrid on 2021-04-29 14:04:45

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