
The meaning of the word Exfoliate is: to remove dead skin and cells from the face or body using a gritty scrub


Many women choose to exfoliate their skin in order to expose the new skin underneath for a smoother appearance.

published by Sierra on 2021-08-10 23:12:38

Models exfoliate their faces to cleanse it of old skin and then apply moisturizers during their beauty regiment.

published by Charissa on 2021-12-25 09:59:27

Even you can have your own luscious lips, but it involves you to exfoliate them with a sugar scrub.

published by Delana on 2021-09-01 15:52:30

“To exfoliate you need to apply face crème to your face,” said the dermatologist, “then rub the crème in a circular motion with a soft brush.”

published by Alden on 2021-11-29 21:38:57

Once you exfoliate your face, it will feel very smooth and soft but needs to be hydrated.

published by Wilfredo on 2021-08-07 13:26:15

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