
The meaning of the word Froward is: used to describe a person who are disobedient and difficult to deal with


The froward child refused to listen to her parents and was disobedient most of the time.

published by Elana on 2021-02-27 05:33:17

Tired of dealing with the froward employee, the boss decided to fire him and rid himself of the headache.

published by Onie on 2021-07-11 10:53:41

Refusing to listen to his commander, the froward soldier was willfully disobedient.

published by Tiara on 2021-11-23 21:22:23

The head-strong toddler through a fit to get her way and would not listen when her mother told her to stop.

published by Melisa on 2021-01-15 21:05:01

Though he pretended to like working in groups, the froward worker was always mad when he couldn’t get his own way.

published by Aaron on 2021-09-12 09:18:15

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