
The meaning of the word Locality is: the position or geographic site something is in


The locality of North America is in the western hemisphere of the globe, more specifically in the upper quadrant.

published by Adena on 2021-11-12 03:02:07

Both Italy and Switzerland are within the locality of the Alps, since the mountain range stretches so far across Europe.

published by Nancie on 2021-10-10 14:49:49

The ‘East coast’ of the United States is a specific locality that people tend to identify as being one large zone or area of rough similarity.

published by Roselee on 2021-03-23 01:59:00

Many fruits and vegetables, such as apples or bananas, were originally grown in just one locality, but they were soon brought to the entire world through shipping and trade.

published by Marline on 2021-04-23 20:01:04

Fauna and Flora were often originally unique to one locality, but they have moved to other parts of the world over time.

published by Sherie on 2021-01-23 07:03:41

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