Net Force

Die Bedeutung des Wortes Net Force ist: the total amount of force exerted on an object


If you are pushing a cart and there is no resistance, the force you are exerting on that cart is the net force.

published by Sulema on 2021-06-09 20:45:09

If there is twenty pounds of force applied on one side of an object and twenty pounds on the other side of the object as well, they cancel out and the net force is zero.

published by Charmain on 2021-11-07 05:51:32

The force of a car’s engine and the force of gravity pulling it downhill both combine to equal the net force being exerted on the car.

published by Rosamond on 2021-02-15 03:24:26

When you go skydiving, the force of gravity pulls you down but the air resistance slows your fall, so the net force is both of these factors combined.

published by Arden on 2021-01-21 04:07:24

In an arm wrestle, I exerted fifty pounds of force and my friend exerted only forty five pounds of force, so the net force was five pounds in my favor.

published by Jeffry on 2021-11-19 15:53:20

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