The meaning of the word Periscope is: a viewing instrument, in the shape of a tube comprised of mirrors and lenses, that allows a viewer to obtain a clear field of sight
Although the soldier was positioned in a ditch, he was able to use a periscope to observe the enemy camp above ground.
published by Stefani on 2021-08-03 07:32:09
A periscope uses lenses and mirrors to provide a user with an unbarred view of an area that would normally be impossible to see.
published by Odilia on 2021-07-15 08:25:41
While in the submarine, the sailor used a periscope to search for movements on the surface of the ocean.
published by Gayla on 2021-08-25 01:46:45
A periscope rotates and provides the viewer with a 360-degree observation of a geographic region.
published by Newton on 2021-10-29 10:05:08
Doctors frequently use an instrument similar to a periscope to examine the inside of the human body.
published by Vance on 2021-08-02 13:09:35