
The meaning of the word Possible is: able to be done or achieved


It is possible for you to do a backflip if you practice long enough.

published by Angelique on 2021-07-14 09:02:32

It is not possible for humans to survive in space without a suit.

published by Deneen on 2021-03-06 08:34:03

It is likely that faster than light travel will never be possible for humans.

published by Vanna on 2021-03-09 17:34:00

Humans used to think flying was not possible, but the invention of the airplane proved them wrong.

published by Taisha on 2021-04-26 03:23:44

It is possible to learn any skill if you spend enough time studying and practicing.

published by Cleotilde on 2021-08-16 14:16:40

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