
The meaning of the word Slim is: slight or unlikely; slender or thin


After the terrible car accident, the driver only had a slim chance with about a 10% survival rate since he incurred extensive brain damage.

published by Rolf on 2021-06-18 03:03:03

Since Debra had been dieting with the Weight Watchers program, she was now able to slip her slim frame comfortably into her once tight-fitting clothing.

published by Elenor on 2021-07-20 09:02:32

Her engagement ring kept slipping off her slim finger since there was not enough fat or flesh on her finger or knuckle.

published by Huong on 2021-09-11 05:46:29

Even though many books were crammed onto the bookcase, the only way to fit one more book onto the tight shelf was by shoving a slim book into the space since it wouldn’t take up much room.

published by Leonore on 2021-10-12 20:15:34

With the narrow pathways between the tables in the restaurant, the slim man was able to walk between the two tables since he didn’t take up that much space.

published by Archie on 2021-05-18 01:35:23

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