
Le sens du mot Stingy est: lacking generosity or the capacity to spend money


Ebenezer Scrooge valued money more than friendship and because of his stingy habit of hording money and refusing to help those in need, he had no true friends.

published by Gustavo on 2021-02-27 10:51:37

The billionaire businessman kept his millions stashed under his bed, too stingy to spend a single dollar.

published by Hoyt on 2021-09-09 02:25:01

Dragons are notoriously stingy creatures who guard their jewels with fierce flames and kill anyone who threatens to steal from their horde.

published by Barbra on 2021-08-04 14:57:58

Juliet’s father was so stingy that when he took her out for her graduation dinner, he refused to pay despite the millions in his bank account.

published by Rubi on 2021-02-15 08:59:32

Rodney stood in shock as his stingy grandfather handed the army veteran a nickel when he knew his grandfather had a wallet full of twenties.

published by Ardath on 2021-11-21 01:38:19

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