Sweet Tooth

The meaning of the word Sweet Tooth is: used to refer to a great love for sweet food


Someone with a sweet tooth tends to have an insatiable desire for sugar, honey, and all other manner of sweet things.

published by Jazmin on 2021-03-07 11:47:30

My brother has a sweet tooth that he tries to satisfy through cookies, ice cream, and lots of chocolate.

published by Billy on 2021-09-09 00:36:21

People that have a sweet tooth are at risk of gaining a lot of weight because they want to eat so many sweet things.

published by Renaldo on 2021-09-05 12:48:13

I spend a lot of money every week on candy and snacks to satisfy the sweet tooth my young children have.

published by Shanta on 2021-04-22 10:09:14

I am glad I do not have a sweet tooth, as eating that much sugar would put me at a higher risk for cavities.

published by Monserrate on 2021-03-10 11:53:07

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