
The meaning of the word Tranquilize is: the act of drugging or incapacitating in order to calm


The doctors were forced to tranquilize the hysterical woman before she her herself.

published by Anika on 2021-12-04 03:55:45

The surgeon used a mild sedative to tranquilize the anxious patient prior to surgery.

published by Jackson on 2021-06-22 15:59:30

When the agitated bear lunged at campers, the park ranger had no choice but to tranquilize it.

published by Scot on 2021-02-22 14:24:41

He hoped he wouldn't have to tranquilize the anguished woman, but after she refused to calm down he knew he had no choice.

published by Lasonya on 2021-09-24 17:27:34

After being locked in his cage for a few days the dog was extremely distraught and the vet needed to tranquilize him to stabilize his breathing.

published by Valentin on 2021-09-21 06:31:40

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