
The meaning of the word Turnkey is: related to the provision of a service or product that can be used immediately


General stores are turnkey enterprises, specializing in selling goods that can be used immediately, from clothes to electronics and food.

published by Tawny on 2021-11-09 00:19:32

A turnkey service is one that you would receive immediately after paying, such as a haircut or a manicure.

published by Jana on 2021-09-19 20:24:53

Generally speaking, those buying illegal goods expect their purchase to be turnkey, where they acquire their goods the moment they pay for them.

published by Tressa on 2021-10-14 19:08:56

Online stores are not turnkey enterprises, since you must wait before receiving the goods you paid for.

published by Lanell on 2021-12-07 22:58:56

People who enjoy instant gratification will have to look to turnkey businesses where they can receive what they buy immediately upon doing so.

published by Agnes on 2021-12-03 17:43:40

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