
Le sens du mot Undertone est: a quality or feeling that is gentle or subdued


When dying my hair, I have my stylist add a slight undertone of red to give it a different look.

published by Mattie on 2021-09-08 19:58:57

The cereal has a gentle undertone of honey that adds to the flavor.

published by Sharan on 2021-01-11 21:23:26

A faint undertone of jealousy was present in the congratulations, making it sound as if the sister wasn’t really happy about her brother’s new job.

published by Patrina on 2021-05-16 23:36:29

The subtle blue undertone of the fabric made the dress look a little more navy than black.

published by Jerrell on 2021-09-10 10:52:03

Sipping on the exotic tea for the first time, the lady was pleasantly surprised by the faint undertone of lemon.

published by Latonya on 2021-12-05 09:20:22

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