
The meaning of the word Verbiage is: speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions


In an attempt to confuse the jury, the attorney used a lot of legal verbiage.

published by Elza on 2021-09-06 19:14:45

The book’s verbiage makes it a difficult read.

published by Marline on 2021-12-14 00:22:50

Through its verbiage, the campaign poster implies John Smith is the better candidate.

published by Chastity on 2021-12-12 00:07:53

Politicians often use verbiage to mislead voters.

published by Earlie on 2021-07-01 11:04:44

Even though the Bible is filled with verbiage, it is still easy to understand.

published by Kerrie on 2022-01-04 01:19:33

When writing an essay, you should focus more on providing facts and less on stuffing the paper with verbiage.

published by Jacqui on 2021-09-14 22:31:36

While I normally like this magazine’s articles, this month they contain an excess of verbiage which makes them boring.

published by Reba on 2021-10-07 08:58:22

As a writing teacher, I hate having to sort through all the verbiage my students use to pad their papers.

published by Alonzo on 2021-03-08 15:16:49

My minister is known for his excessive verbiage.

published by Naomi on 2021-08-06 22:59:40

The literary editor removed some of the unnecessary verbiage from the short story.

published by Nikita on 2021-10-30 01:50:34

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