
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Pollen ist: a typically yellow dust like substance emitted from male flowers that carries the gamete necessary to fertilize female seeds


You can often see the yellow tint of pollen floating through the air in spring.

published by Dewey on 2021-10-01 19:37:17

If you touch a flower in spring, you may get the yellow dust of pollen on your fingertips.

published by Oscar on 2021-08-18 08:21:49

Pollen is notorious for causing severe allergic reactions in a lot of people.

published by Kylee on 2021-07-19 05:23:06

The majority of springtime allergies are caused by pollen in the air.

published by Pedro on 2021-12-06 05:40:37

Because pollen is so tiny, it is very easy to accidentally inhale it.

published by Janet on 2021-02-08 12:25:24

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