
Le sens du mot Bate est: the action of a hawk beating its wings to attempt a takeoff from its perch


A baby hawk will have to bate furiously to lift its tiny body out of its nest and into the air for the first time.

published by Sheron on 2021-10-10 01:37:40

In falconry, a hawk will bate to take off from the arm of its trainer only when it is commanded to do so.

published by Vilma on 2021-02-09 02:09:53

A strong gust of wind disturbed the resting hawk and made it bate in an attempt to leave its perch and fly.

published by Shera on 2021-05-06 20:16:05

A hawk is said to ‘bate’ when it beats its wings in an attempt to takeoff from a perch, whether that perch is its nest or the arm of its trainer.

published by Shiela on 2021-07-20 04:10:26

While the term ‘bate’ is often used to refer to hawks, nearly all birds do this when they flap their wings to catch a gust of wind and leave their perch.

published by Shery on 2021-05-31 08:13:06

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