
Le sens du mot Chore est: a routine and generally disliked task, usually carried out in the household


My main chore around the house is taking out the trash, which I personally believe is preferable to my brother, who has to walk the dog.

published by Alisa on 2021-12-11 09:35:09

Washing the dishes is often considered a chore around my house, since my mom always makes us wash the pots by hand.

published by Tennille on 2021-11-27 09:48:16

I always felt that waking up early for school was a chore, as it only brings misery for me to wake up before the sun is even out.

published by Carolynn on 2021-11-13 03:59:05

The most annoying chore in my household is having to vacuum the house, since we have a dog who sheds a lot.

published by Regenia on 2021-02-03 09:32:59

Chores are usually assigned children by the parents that hated doing those same chores when they were kids.

published by Eduardo on 2021-12-16 13:26:47

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