
Le sens du mot Hammock est: a swinging bed, usually made of netting or canvas that is hung up by each end, often from trees


Swaying on her back in the hammock, the resting woman took an afternoon siesta.

published by Tracey on 2021-12-13 07:51:13

The camper tied each end of the hammock to a tree, creating a makeshift bed.

published by Aundrea on 2021-02-02 23:38:12

A net hammock was situated between two palm trees on the beach and visited by sleepy tourists.

published by Pearly on 2021-10-20 04:19:51

The private patio had a couch for guests to sit on and a hanging hammock for visitors to cat nap in.

published by Betty on 2021-12-15 21:43:46

Reclining in a hammock, the slumbering soldier was rocked back and forth by a noon day breeze.

published by Frances on 2021-06-28 22:22:45

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