
Le sens du mot Jeremiad est: a long, sad list of complaints, sometimes produced as a literary work


The elegantly written book was actually a jeremiad that laid out the author’s complaints against the current government.

published by Shawanda on 2021-01-10 14:25:55

Leaving a rambling jeremiad, the editor’s note criticized what he saw as censorship and wrongdoing.

published by Majorie on 2021-05-19 17:02:52

The company ignored the worker’s sad list of complaints and threw away his written jeremiad.

published by Eufemia on 2022-01-03 03:03:28

I wrote a jeremiad, blasting my list of grievances all over my internet blog.

published by Harriet on 2021-10-31 08:32:44

The note was nothing more than a rambling list of grumbling criticisms against the military.

published by Rheba on 2021-09-10 14:37:07

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