
Le sens du mot Postscript est: an extra remark or at the end of a letter or email signified by the initials P.S.


Many people use a postscript in a letter when they forgot to write something in the body of the letter.

published by Clementine on 2021-09-09 19:18:34

Most people are familiar with postscripts in the form of the common abbreviation P.S.

published by Nereida on 2021-08-30 06:27:05

If you don’t remember to include something in your letter until after it’s written, you can use a postscript to add it in.

published by Mellie on 2021-08-22 23:55:08

A postscript is only ever attached at the end of a letter.

published by Rosalba on 2021-10-30 14:16:47

A postscript can be used to add a forgotten topic to the end of a letter.

published by Ara on 2021-03-22 15:16:53

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